Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Philippine Marine Corps formally received 6 Small Unit Riverine Crafts (SURC) called "Silver Ships" from US

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MANILA, Philippines-- Philippine Navy formally received 6 brand new units of Small Unit Riverine Crafts (SURC) called "Silver Ships" yesterday at Andrada Naval Station. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. turned over the crafts to the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC), a Type Command of the Philippine Navy and were received by Flag Officer in Command, Philippine Navy Vice Admiral Jose Luis M. Alano, PMC Commandant Major General Romeo T. Tanago and In-shore Boat Battalion (IBBN) Commander Lieutenant Colonel Noel R. Precioso.

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The SURCs were donated by US as a part of their counter-terrorism campaign program in the country. These units will be used by PMC specifically by IBBN personnel for tactical mobility and as weapons platform to counter terrorism. It can also be used as a platform for command and control, reconnaissance, logistics/resupply, medical evacuation, counter-drug operations, humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping and non-combatant evacuations operations during disasters.

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According to Vice Admiral Alano, the SURCs will be a very important addition to the capability upgrade of the Philippine Marine Corps.

 “These water assets will be essential in maintaining maritime security and ascertain peace and order in our communities especially in littoral and riverine environment”, he said.

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 “The SURCs will be deployed to augment our sea-based forces to address terrorism and lawlessness such as the current crisis in Mindanao”, Vice Admiral Alano added. 

Ambassador Thomas said that US government will continue to find ways to upgrade the skills of both US and Philippine armed forces and also provide technical assistance to the newly acquired floating assets.

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 “We will use every chance we get to make the best of our resources, to make our units work seamlessly together and to build every unit as the best team possible”, he said.

see also: Philippine Navy received six Riverine Patrol Boats (RPBs) Silver Ships

1 comment:

  1. Gazmin went to Seoul to meet with his South Korean counterpart, Kim Kwan-jin.

    "They gave an LCU (Landing Craft Utility), 16 rubber boats, and computers " said Gazmin just last june 1st of 2014.

    The landing craft must no other than be an LCU-1610
