Wednesday, April 30, 2014

DND invites bidders for 8 Amphibious Assault Vehicles

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MANILA, Philippines--DND posted their invitation to bid for their Amphibious Assault Vehicle Acquisition Project amounting to Two Billion Five Hundred Million Pesos (Php2,500,000,000.00) for the Philippine Navy Inclusive of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS).

The delivery of goods should be 860 days or about 28 months upon the opening of the letter of credit. Interested bidders must have entered into contract similar to the project within 10 years from the date of submission and receipt of bids.

A complete set of bidding documents can be purchased today (September 27) at the Office of Bids and Awards Committee in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, for Php 75,000.00 pesos.

Bids must be delivered in BAC office not latter than October 24, 2013, 10 am.

BAC will hold pre-bid conference on October 10, 2013 and bidding will be opened on October 24, 2013 at 10:00 in the morning.

Photo for Illustration Purpose Only
The Amphibious Assault Vehicle Project is believed to be inline with the MRV Project or "Mother Ship Project" which will serve as their carrier platform for insertion of troops during beach landings and siege.

Read also: PT PAL Indonesia won the Navy's 4B MRV Project

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