Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PF16) in finalization phase prior it's commissioning in November 2013

Photo courtesy of Davemap of
BATANGAS, Philippines--Philippine Navy's second Hamilton Class Cutter from US Coast Guard named BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PF16) is now waterborne and is undergoing minor works in Keppel Shipyard in Batangas where she entered into drydock last Aug. 16.
Navy spokesperson Lt. Cmdr. Gregory Fabic stated that Alcaraz is already into finalization process and he is confident that all of these works will be finished before the first week of November. 
  "(We) are coordinating with the Presidential Management Staff for the availability of the President. But for sure (the commissioning) will be next month (November)," Fabic stressed.
BRP Ramon Alcaraz will be fitted with two Mark 38 Model 2 25-mm "Bushmasters" autocannon and four to six light machine guns will be fitted during the dry-docking period.
Alcaraz is presently armed with a quick-firing 76-mm Oto Melara main gun which has a range of 20 nautical miles.
BRP Alcaraz (Formerly USCG Dallas) arrived in the Philippines last Aug. 6 after a two month voyage from the United States.

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(With PTV News)

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